Electron Devices and Circuits Lab
Electronics lab is spacious and well equipped with the latest signal generators, oscilloscopes, digital trainer kits and measuring instruments. Students of various branches design and test their analog/digital/mixed signals, digital circuits as part of their curriculum.
- Function generator
- Multiple DC power supplies
- Digital IC trainer kits
- Bread boards, Voltmeters, Ammeters
Communication System Laboratory
Communication Laboratory focuses on training the students in both analog and digital transmission/reception of signal. The students here start in the analog area by constructing the circuits of amplitude modulation, frequency modulation and phase modulation. The other important area of analog signal processing is the phase locked loop.
- Function Generators and Cathode rayOscilloscopes
- 150MHz RF Signal Generator
- Various Analog /Digital Study andTrainer Kits
- Fiber Optic Trainer Kit.
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory is playing an important role to bring advanced DSP research work into practical realization. The DSP Laboratory has developed into a well-recognized lab. We have also been widely consulted in areas in real-time DSP implementation, applications and programming. There is a constant need for designing systems with lower power, higher speed and lower area. The DSP/VLSI/Computer Networks Laboratory is equipped with hordes of personal computers. The students enrich their knowledge by using the software tools like
- DSP Kits /TMS320C31 /50
- MATLAB 7.1
VLSI Laboratory
Hardware tools:
- Spartan 3 Trainer kit
- Traffic light controller
- RTC module
Software tools:
- Xilinx 9.2i
Communication Networks Laboratory
- DCT-03 Data Communication Trainer Kit
- LTS -01 Local Area NetworkTrainer Kit
- USB Adaptor-05
- Access Point-01
- L-Sim-5 Server 20-Clients
- N-Sim 15user
Optical and Microwave Laboratory
Microwave Laboratory
Microwave Laboratory are fundamental to many modern electronics systems, including digital wireless communications. We have active research interests in developing and characterizing microwave components and systems with particular expertise in low phase-noise oscillators, filters and power efficient amplifiers. In Microwave Laboratory, the students are exposed to the microwave active devices like klystron, Gunn diode and passive devices isolator, circulator, slide screw tuner, magic tee, directional coupler, horn antenna, attenuator and terminations. The students perform all the experiments as prescribed by the university.
- Klystron Bench
- Gunn Bench
- Various Passive Components
- Directional coupler
Optical Communication Laboratory
Optical and Optoelectronic Semiconductor devices and subsystems permeate modern communications and information storage and are also increasingly important in medical, environmental and industrial applications. The students perform experiments to study the characteristics of optical sources (LED & LD) and optical detectors (LD & APD) and optical fibers. Fault detection in a fiber link is studied using the OTDR module. A FSO module enables study of Transmission of optical signal in free space. The Laboratory is equipped with connecterization and splicing kits.
- Power meter, Eye pattern measurement
- Laser source, LED source
- Optical cables
- Video link trainer
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory
Microprocessor lab helps the students enhance their knowledge about various processors such as 8085, 8086 and 8051 microcontrollers and also the interfacing of these processors with other equipments. Students from other branch of engineering and sciences also come to this lab and develop their skills in the field of microprocessor and its applications .The features and facilities available in this lab will help the students do their projects and enhance their knowledge about the latest trends and technologies.
- 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit
- 8086 Microprocessor Trainer kit
- 8051 Microcontroller Trainer kit
- Stepper Motor/ Interface
- Digital IO Cards
- LVDT Interface
- AC Motor Speed Controller
- DC Motor Speed Controller
- Temperature Controller
- PIC Controller
- ADC Interface Card
- 8255 Interface Card
- 8251/53 Interface Card
- 8259 Interface Card
- 8237 Interface Card
- Traffic Light Controller
- ADC&DAC Measurement Control Module
- Water Bath With Relay Provision
- RTD Module
- Thermocouple Module
- Thermostat Module
- Keyboard/Display Interface
- Multiplexed Seven Segment Display
- Printer Interface.
Digital Laboratory
An engineer who wants to understand existing digital circuits or to design new ones needs to know the basic operations of digital electronics. Digital Electronics Laboratory is fully equipped with the required instruments such as C.R.O., Millimeters, signal Generator etc. to conduct experiments with digital ICs for UG students. Digital electronics is also the base of computer technology. Today complete computers on a single chip, called microcontrollers, bring “intelligence” to many products of our daily use.
- Digital IC Trainer Kit
- Digital Function Generator
- Digital IC Tester
- Dual Trace Oscilloscope (CRO)
- Function Generator (0-3 MHz)
- Digital Multimeter
- Single Output Dc Regulated Power Supply (0-30v).
Electron Devices and Circuits-II Laboratory
Electron Devices and Circuits Laboratory II
Electronics Devices and Circuits Laboratory is spacious and well equipped with the latest signal generators, oscilloscopes, digital trainer kits and measuring instruments. Students of various branches design and test their analog/digital/mixed signals, digital circuits as part of their curriculum. Guidance is provided to the students by a team of faculty and lab technicians. The labs are kept open after the college hours to enable the students to engage themselves in designing /testing the circuits in their leisure hours. Students are grouped into small teams and guided to do their mini projects by using the facility mentioned below
- CRO Function generator
- Multiple DC power supplies
- Digital IC trainer kits
- Bread boards, Voltmeters, Ammeters
Linear Integrated Circuits
Linear Integrated Circuits & Simulation Laboratory is very important for designing the characteristics of OP-AMP, 555 Timer IC and to simulate the applications of OP-AMP. It is also used for designing the Electronic circuits-1. Students of various branches design and test their circuits as part of their curriculum. Guidance is provided to the students by a team of expert faculty and lab-technicians. The labs are kept open after the college hours to enable the students to engage themselves in designing /testing the circuits in their leisure hours. Students are grouped into small teams and guided to do their mini projects by using the facility mentioned below.
- Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
- Function Generator
- Dual Power Supplies
- Digital Multimeter