TCS - 305 (7 Lacs Salary, 3.86 Lacs Salary & 3.36 Lacs Salary), DXC - 193 (4.20 Lacs Salary), VIRTUSA - 172 (7.5 Lacs Salary & 5.5 Lacs Salary), MINDTREE - 119 (6.5 Lacs Salary, 5 Lacs Salary & 4 Lacs Salary), COGNIZANT - 95 (6.75 Lacs Salary & 4 Lacs Salary), HEXAWARE - 90 (6 Lacs Salary & 4 Lacs Salary ), CAPGEMINI - 83 (7.5 Lacs Salary, 5.75 Lacs Salary & 4.25 Lacs Salary), ACCENTURE - 49(4.5 Lacs Salary), TECH MAHINDRA – 46 (5.5 Lacs Salary & 3.25 Lacs Salary), NTT DATA – 30 (3.5 Lacs Salary), ZOHO – 24 (8.4 Lacs Salary, 7 Lacs Salary & 5.6 Lacs Salary)


Adequate and Well Equipped Laboratories

S.NO Name of the Laboratory Name of the Important Equipment
Cell-Biology Laboratory
Microscopy,lansect, Syrgen, Needle,Glass Slide
Micro-Biology Laboratory
Microscopy (Flourense), Petric Plate, Laminer Airflow chamber,Autoclave
Genetics Laboratory
Electrophoresis Apparatus, Micropipettes, Ultra Centrifuge, ELISA Reader
Molecular Biology Laboratory
Electrophoresis Apparatus, Micropipett, Centrifuge, SDS-PAGE,ELISA Reader.
Bioprocess Laboratory
Autoclave, Fermentor, Centrifuge.
BC / IMA Laboratory
Spectro photometer, Calorimeter, Double Beam UV Spectro photometer.
Immunology Laboratory
Microscopy, lancet, Syrgen Needle, Glass Slide, ELISA Reader, Centrifuge
Downstream processing Laboratory
Microscopy, Double Beam UV Spectro photometer, Centrifuge

Details of the Laboratories in the Department:

S.NO Name of the Laboratory Configuration Details
Cell-Biology Laboratory
Name/Model:1. Light and Optical Microscope Cost: ₹ 1,18,059 2.Compound Microscope- AI Micro - Cost: ₹ 62,495
Micro-Biology Laboratory
Name/Model: 1.Fluorescent Microscope/ FM500/ Cost: ₹ 1,18,059 2.Laminar Air flow chamber /TCR 100 - Cost: ₹ 62,495 3.Autoclave LTAV 104 - Cost: ₹ 62,492
Genetics Laboratory
Name/Model: 1.PCR / WEE32/ Cost: ₹ 1,24,999
Molecular Biology Laboratory
Name/Model: 1.Transilluminator / Readwell touch/ Cost: ₹ 1,60,000
Bioprocess Laboratory
Name/Model:1. Shaking Incubator /LT05124/ Cost: ₹ 83,435
BC / IMA Laboratory
Name/Model: 1.Double Beam UV spectrophotometer/ 22-03 Cost : ₹2,87409/-
Immunology Laboratory
Name / Model: 1.ELISA Reader/ Read well Touch/ Cost: ₹ 1,60,000/-
Downstream processing Laboratory
Name/model : 1.Sonicator /Model 10A / Cost : ₹ 81,545

Laboratories: Maintenance and overall ambience

  1. All the laboratories are well equipped and well maintained. Instruments are kept in working condition.
  2. Minor repairs are done by the faculty members & lab technicians and major repairs are outsourced.
  3. A periodic maintenance schedule is followed to maintain the working condition of the equipment and a separate maintenance register is available in each laboratory.
  4. All laboratories are fully furnished with tables and chairs to benefit the needs of the students.
  5. The laboratories and the space are sufficient for students to perform the experiments without congestion.
  6. The laboratories are constructed with proper aseptic condition for natural light and air flow.
  7. Individual PC allotted for the student to do the dry Laboratory(Bioinformatics).
  8. All the Labs are fully air conditioned with clean room technology centralized UPS backup.
  9. All power cables are properly insulated & laid away to prevent electric shock and power interruptions.
  10. All laboratories are provided with necessary safety requirements.
  11. For maintaining the overall good ambience, daily and weekly cleaning of equipment are carried out with regular inspection by Lab-in-charges and HoDs.
  12. Firewall is installed to limit and block unnecessary activities.

Project Laboratory

S.NO Facility Name Area of Research Utilization
Computational and Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics - Molecular Docking
VI semester student project works
Project / Research Lab
Students to take up any challenging practical problems and find solution by formulating proper methodology.
VIII Semester students project work.
Upstream & Downstream Processing Lab
Micro Biology ,Molecular & Genetic Engineering, Bio Process& Downstream Process Engineering
VIII Semester students project work.

Facilities & Utilization:

S.NO Name of the Facility/Major Equipment Utilization
Spectro photometer,Caloriemeter,Double Beam UV Spectro photometer.
To promote industry oriented training and to demonstrate practical working of real world examples.
Cooling Centrifuge,
ELISA Reader
Florescence Microscope
Shaking Incubator

Activities under Project/Research Lab:

  • To promote R&D activity in newly emerging challenges in science, technology and engineering.
  • To initiate and engage programs and projects related to R&D activity.
  • Provide research exposure for students during their studies.
  • Signing of MOU with industries and institutes for industry orient training.
  • Sponsoring faculty members to attend conferences, seminars, workshop etc
  • Motivating the students to publish research papers in journals/conferences

Safety measures in laboratories

S.NO Name of the Laboratory Safety measures
Cell Biology Laboratory
  • Fire Extinguisher in case of emergency
  • Medical Kit to aid in need.
  • Gloves, Face Mask, Ethanol, Surgeon cap.
  • To ensure safety the following instructions are given to the students;
    • Students should avoid wearing any metallic rings, straps or bangles as they are likely to prove dangerous at times.
    • Girl’s students should put their plaited hair inside their overcoat.
Microbiology Laboratory
Bio process Laboratory
Immunology Laboratory

General instructions are given to the students:

  • Always use Lab coat in the laboratory.
  • Check the gloves for any pin-holes prior to use
  • Safety equipments such as fire extinguishers, Eye wash basin and safety showers shall be kept clean and readily accessible.
  • Demarcate separate areas for storing acids, base, solvents, wet chemicals, dry chemicals etc.
  • A first aid box is maintained in the laboratory for emergency use.
  • Avoid smoking, eating and drinking in the laboratory.
  • Before centrifuging, inspect tubes for cracks. Inspect the inside of the tube for rough walls caused by erosion or adhering matter. Use centrifuge caps before centrifuging.
  • Required safety equipments like plastic sleeves, aprons, rubbers, boots, safety glasses, fume hoods, fume shields etc. shall be used even while handling small quantities of hazardous chemicals.
  • Always remember the three ‘A’s of acid handling – Always Add Acid to water or base, slowly.
  • Inside the laminarflow, use an autoclavable bottle with cap for disposing the tips used for bacteria. The tips should be disposed off later in the autoclavable polythene bag placed in the biohazard dustbin. Decontaminate the autoclavable bag by autoclaving.
  • Sterilise forceps infected with Agrobacterium in flame.

Disposal of microbial cultures including Agrobacterium strains and transgenic plants

  • Pippetting: Never mouth pipette bacterial solutions. Use a pipettor for all the solution transfers. Plug graduated glass pipettes with cotton. Do not blow infectious material out of pipettes. Do not prepare mixtures of infectious material by bubbling expiratory air through the liquid with a pipette.
  • Inside the laminar airflow chamber, use an autoclavable bottle with cap for disposing the tips used for bacteria. Sterilise syringe needles in flame and then cover the syringe needle with the plastic lid before autoclaving and disposal. Forceps infected with Agrobacterium are sterilised under flame.
  • Spillage of Bacterial strains: Inside the laminar flow chamber use ethanol or spirit to disinfect contaminated areas. In case of spillage on floor, pour sodium hypochorite solution or Bleach on the spillage and wait for 15 minutes after which wipe of the area with cotton. Use gloves while cleaning.
  • Disposal: Dispose all material used for bacterial experiments in autoclavable polythene bags, seal them with Red tape,  place in the biohazard dustbin and ensure autoclaving of these by the concerned personnel.
  • A register is maintained for decontamination/disposal of cultures.
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