TCS - 305 (7 Lacs Salary, 3.86 Lacs Salary & 3.36 Lacs Salary), DXC - 193 (4.20 Lacs Salary), VIRTUSA - 172 (7.5 Lacs Salary & 5.5 Lacs Salary), MINDTREE - 119 (6.5 Lacs Salary, 5 Lacs Salary & 4 Lacs Salary), COGNIZANT - 95 (6.75 Lacs Salary & 4 Lacs Salary), HEXAWARE - 90 (6 Lacs Salary & 4 Lacs Salary ), CAPGEMINI - 83 (7.5 Lacs Salary, 5.75 Lacs Salary & 4.25 Lacs Salary), ACCENTURE - 49(4.5 Lacs Salary), TECH MAHINDRA – 46 (5.5 Lacs Salary & 3.25 Lacs Salary), NTT DATA – 30 (3.5 Lacs Salary), ZOHO – 24 (8.4 Lacs Salary, 7 Lacs Salary & 5.6 Lacs Salary)

Library is the soul of our College.

V.S.B. Engineering College has built up a reputation of higher academic standards in all specialties of Engineering since 2002, a true reflection of the dedication and hard work. One of the pillars of such high standards is its high-quality Library facilities. This college’s academic excellence is reflected in its harmonious blend of infrastructure and its academic environment with a high-quality Library.

V.S.B. Central Library caters to the information needs of the institute’s faculty, students, staff and researchers. It houses around 40,000 books covering all disciplines of engineering, technology, and management. The collection in the library comprises printed documents such as books, reports, thesis, standards, atlases, patents and journal back volumes. The non-book collections include materials like audio/video cassettes and CD-ROM discs. There are Slide Projectors and other allied equipment in the Audio – Visual library. Under the web consortium, the library provides on-line access to a large number of full-text journal databases from various publishers. These e-journals are accessible on the intranet and internet.

The library provides various services for its members such as lending of books and journal back volumes, reservation of books, document delivery, photocopying, CD-ROM, Internet services and video screening. All the library activities are computerized, including bar-coded ID cards and separate On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) terminals for searching books in the library.

A comfortable and spacious seating arrangement provides a complete academic atmosphere in our library where students can sit and concentrate. The catalogue of books helps students to identify their needs and quick reference. It is updated regularly as the new books are added. A Display Board has also been provided in the Library where students can view interesting articles and news-clippings directly.

Library Resources Resources Total
E – Books
Print Journals
Back Volumes ( From 2003)
Project Reports
CD Collections
Question Bank (From 2002 to 2017)
News Papers

Mile Stones

  • Library was established in the year 2002.
  • Dedicated 20 Computer systems are made available in the Digital Library. E-Resources can be accessed through internet “” and intranet “”.
  • The Library has a collection of more than 40,000 volumes with 72 national journals and 69 international journals on the subscription list covering technology subjects.
  • Library is under IP based Video Surveillance.
  • One Day National Conference was Conducted in Digital Resource Initiatives in Libraries – DRIL.



  • Our Library aims to be one of the best among Engineering College Libraries in the World.
  • Our Library intends to incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards student And faculty
  • Our Library intends to offer comprehensive services related to dissemination of knowledge.


  • Our Library serves as a Resource Center and aims to develop a comprehensive collection of books and journals useful for faculty and students of the institute and provides an efficient dissemination of knowledge.


  • To educate and prepare men and women to contribute as Dynamic Engineers and Citizens through the Innovation, Integration, Application Transfer of Engineering Knowledge.
  • To be recognized as a world class Engineering College Library that provides excellent learning materials timely and accurate information in various print and non print formats.
  • A knowledge doorway to accessing resources and life long learning center


Working Hour:
Monday to Saturday : 8:30 a.m. to 07:00 p.m.
Holidays: 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Transaction Hours (Circulation Timings)
Issuing and Returning of Books 08.30 a.m. to 06.00 p.m.


  • Users should bring ID card compulsorily
  • Students and Faculty are to swipe ID card to digital gate entry control
  • Readers are advised to leave their bags and personal belongings at the property counter.
  • Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like money, passport, credit card etc., at the property counter. Library is not responsible for any loss of individual’s property.
  • Students are prohibited to carry any notebook, Personal Book inside the Library except loose sheets.
  • Library Documents should be handled with great care.
  • Strict silence is to be observed inside and outside the library premises.
  • Readers are advised to keep the place neat and tidy.
  • Scribbling, underlining and tearing of pages are strictly prohibited.
  • On any circumstances, primary sources like reference books, project reports, university question papers, and news papers are not permitted for lending. Readers are advised to take photocopies within the library premises at nominal cost.
  • Books will be issued only on production of user ID. Students can avail 3 books and faculties 5 Books.
  • Lending period of books for students is 14 days, Lending period of books for faculties is one semester.
  • Readers are requested to check the condition of the issued book while collecting from the Circulation Counter. If any damage or missed pages identified, kindly report to the Librarian for immediate action.
  • Books should be returned on or before the last date stamped. For belated returning of books Rs.1/- per day will be charged as penalty.
  • Readers are responsible for loss of borrowed books. If any loss occurs for borrowed books, readers are strictly warned to replace original of the lost copy. In case due to unavailability of stock, twice the latest price of the books will be collected to compensate the loss. On any circumstances xerox copy of books are not accepted.
  • On any circumstances PROJECT REPORTS are not permitted for taking photocopies.
  • Library can recall any issued book even before the due date.
  • Readers should not carry books from one place to another and also leave the books on the reading table after use.
  • Necessary action will be taken by the competent Authority against the users who are found misusing the services, facilities collection etc.,
  • Students and faculties are required to surrender the borrowed books and also to fill up the prescribed clearance form available at circulation counter as and when they need No Dues Certificate from the Library.
  • College dress code applies to library also.
  • Eatables are not allowed inside the Library.
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